Policarpo Petrocchi Literary Park
The Pistoia Mountains between nature and poetry
The 'Parco Letterario Policarpo Petrocchi' – the Policarpo Petrocchi Literary Park – commemorates Policarpo Petrocchi, a famous writer and lexicographer, born right in Castello di Cireglio.
Castello di Cireglio stands a few miles out of Pistoia, surrounded by the luxuriant Pistoia Mountains. The village – in winter only 80 people live here – livens up in summer thanks to events which attract many visitors, without however losing its authenticity.
This village is also famous for being the birthplace of Policarpo Petrocchi (1852-1902), writer and lexicographer, and author of an important Italian dictionary, published in two volumes between 1887 and 1891, which was one of the very first dictionaries to be published in Italy.
Thanks to Policarpo’s writings, we can get a clear idea of what Castello di Cireglio was really like in the second half of the 19th century; in his book entitled ‘Il mio paese’ ‘my village’ – published after his death – he writes about what he still recollected of his own infancy.
Il Parco Letterario – The Literary Park
The ‘Parco Letterario Policarpo Petrocchi‘ – Policarpo Petrocchi Literary Park – was officially first opened in 2021 with an agreement with other Literary Parks, a network created to safeguard and enhance the value of places of literary inspiration. And Pistoia’s aim – apart from commemorating Policarpo who did so much for his home town – was to promote cultural events, especially those looking after, safeguarding and conserving its surrounding nature.
Thanks to the Park, together with Forest Sharing and Florence University, the woodlands around Castello di Cireglio have been carefully cared for and conserved. Outside the village, there are many walkable paths for excursions of differing levels but all in the midst of nature. The longest paths intersect with and pass over the Apennine’s crest over which winds the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) 00 Path, overlooking the Reno River’s high valley. One of the easiest trails is the ‘Cammino delle Acque’ – the Water Walk – recently restored with the aid of Publiacqua S.P.A. (Public Limited Company) Click here to read more about the various itineraries available.
One of the most eagerly awaited events of the year is the ‘Festa del Parco’ – The Park’s Party – which takes place every year on September’s first weekend. It lasts for three days and includes varying events, meetings, book presentations, walks, musical and theatrical shows.
Petrocchi Park is managed by the Castel di Cireglio Association for Social Enhancement.

How to get to the Park
Castello di Cireglio lies 13 km from Pistoia and can be reached by car.
Otherwise, you can take the n°. 54 Copit bus to Cireglio, on its way to Abetone. Once having arrived at the village itself, you can reach the Park by walking down a path which is about 1.2 km long.
experience the territory